🧑‍🎓 About Me

📖 Educations

  • 2022.08 - now : Fudan University (985 A), Ph.D in Communication.
  • 2020.09 - 2021.10 : University of Manchester (QS 27), Msc in Advanced Computer Science.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06 : University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (985 A), B.Eng in Software Engineering.

🔥 Recent News

📝 Publications



Gong,C, Yang Yang* (2024). Google effects on memory: A meta-analytical review of the media effects of intensive Internet search behavior. Frontiers in Public Health , (2022 SSCI/SCI JCR Q1). 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1332030

  • In this study, by carrying out meta-analysis, we found that google effects is closely associated with cognitive load, behavioral phenotype and cognitive self-esteem. And this phenomenon is also more likely to happen while using a mobile phone to browse the Internet rather than a computer.
  • People with a larger knowledge base are less susceptible to the consequences of Internet use than those with a smaller knowledge base. The media effect was stronger for persons who had used the Internet before than for those who had not
  • And meta-analyses show that participants in North America (parameter  = −1.0365, 95%CI  =  [−1.8758, −0.1972], p < 0.05) are more susceptible to frequent Internet search behavior relative to other regions.

Gong,C. (2023). AI Voices Reduce Cognitive Activity? A Psychophysiological Study of the Media Effect of AI and Human Newscasts in Chinese Journalism. Frontiers in Psychology , (2022 SSCI JCR Q1). 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1243078

  • Brain activity responses were greater when listening to a human newscast than to an AI voice newscast.
  • Participants’ brain were better at processing, understanding auditory information, and storing working memory when listening to a human reporter than when listening to a voice generated by AI.
  • The human voice caused greater cognitive effect, which may reflect participants’ trust in the credibility and fluency of the human voice news.

Gong,C., Ren, Y. (2023) PTSD, FOMO and fake news beliefs: a cross-sectional study of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. BMC Public Health , (2022 SCI JCR Q2). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-17151-z

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers show problematic patterns of Internet use such as fear of missing out (FOMO) and sharing misinformation and fake news. This study aimed to investigate these associations in survivors of the 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan, China.
  • A self-reported survey was completed by 356 survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake. A mediated structural equation model was constructed to test a proposed pattern of associations with FOMO as a mediator of the relationship between PTSD symptoms and belief in fake news, as well as moderators of this pathway.
  • Those with higher PTSD symptoms are more likely to believe fake news and this is partly explained by FOMO. This effect is present in females and not males and is stronger in older people. Findings extend knowledge of the role of psychological variables in problematic Internet use among those with PTSD.

Gong,C, et al. (2022).Smart Memory Storage Solution and Elderly Oriented Smart Equipment Design under Deep Learning. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience , (2021 SCI JCR Q2) 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6448302


  • A smart memory storage solution based on memory-enhanced embedded learning is constructed based on meta-learning under deep learning.
  • The results reveal that the solution based on deep learning has obvious effects on different datasets, with an average accuracy rate of 99.7%.
  • The proposed elderly oriented smart device effectively reduces the shortcomings in the current market and lowers the learning difficulty, which provides an important reference for further enriching devices in the ageing market.

Gong, C., & Niu, H. (2021). Emotional Computing and Emotional Measurement Methods based on Intelligent Algorithms of Wireless Network Communication. IETE Journal of Research (2022 SCI JCR Q3), 1-9.https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2021.1982417


Gong,C (2024).Others are more vulnerable to deepfake than I am”: Cognitive differences and Third-person perception in deepfake 74rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2024)

Gong,C, Jingjing Han. (2023). Brain Activation Shows AI Voice is Less Engaging than Human Voice. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2023)

Gong,C (2023). Who Stole My Memory? ——A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of “the Google Effect”. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2023)

Gong, C., & Wu, G. (2021, June). Design of Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Training System Based on Human-Computer Interaction. In 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) (pp. 621-625). (CCF B* conference) IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IWCMC51323.2021.9498976

Gong, C. (2021). A Click-Through Rate Prediction Algorithm Based on Real-Time Advertising Data Logs. In Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City: BDCPS 2020, 28-29 December 2020, Shanghai, China (pp. 361-367). Springer Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4572-0_53

Gong, C. (2021). A calligraphy robot based on artificial intelligence. National Intellectual Property Office(国家知识产权局), grant.No.202120536988.9.

🎖 Honors and Awards

💻 Research Experience

  • 2020.12 - 2021.08 : Research on Universal Techniques for Multimodal Human Memory Enhancemen, Research Assistant in Prof. Sarah Clinch’s HCI group at University of Manchester.
  • 2020.09 - 2020.11 : Data Engineering Project Practice and Improvement for Software Architecture of Ruritanian Oxygen Company, Member of the postgraduate Research Program in Prof. Daniel Dresner’s group at University of Manchester.
  • 2020.01 - 2020.06: Development of Intelligent Financial Software Based on Knowledge Graph Technology, Undergraduate Graduation Thesis at UESTC and Chengdu Icekredit Information Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 2019.09 - 2020.01: Development of Online Courses System, Member of the Research and Development Program in Prof. Di Lin’s group funded by UESTC.
  • 2018.09 - 2019.01: Development of HTML5-based Online Shopping Mall System, Member of the Undergraduate Research Program funded by UESTC.
  • 2017.09 - 2018.01: Prediction of Click Through Rate of Data Logs of Tencent Advertisement, Member of Prof. Mengjuan Liu’s group at UESTC.

💬 Academic positions

💻 Internships